Last Updated April 2023

Fair Usage Policy

SigTech implements a fair usage policy to ensure that all of our users can have the best experience when using the SigTech services and products.

We expect that the majority of our users will not be impacted by this Fair Usage Policy. However, when using the SigTech services:

  • You must only use our services as defined by us in the applicable terms of service.
  • You must only use our platforms and services for the purpose advertised, described in any user guides or training guides, or as instructed by us.
  • You must not use our platforms or services in a way which deliberately games or exploits to your advantage the design of our services, systems or billing plan (if applicable). 

You must not use our platforms or services fraudulently, in connection with a criminal offence, in breach of any law or statutory duty, to send, upload, download, use or reuse any material, which is offensive, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or menacing, a nuisance (including to our staff) or a hoax in breach of anyone’s rights or privacy or is otherwise unlawful. 

The examples above are not an exhaustive list of how you could be breaching our Fair Usage Policy. There may be other activities which we reasonably believe to be outside the legitimate use which may also be subject to the terms in this Fair Usage Policy.

In addition, if the volume of data you submit to one of our Platforms is excessive, or the size of the data is disproportionately large, this can adversely affect our ability to provide services efficiently and effectively to our other users.  This type of behaviour may be in breach of this Fair Usage Policy. 

If in SigTech’s reasonable opinion, you are abusing the service in a way which exceeds fair usage, we may ask you to moderate your behaviour. We may in extreme or persistent cases, suspend or even terminate your access to SigTech’s services. 

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